Friday, February 24, 2012

Future-leaning Libertarian, Scott Keller, Announces That He Will Be...

Scott Keller officially announces that he is seeking the 2012 Libertarian Party Presidential nomination with a liberty and solution-oriented platform, which promises to turn the economy around in 6-12 months, while paring down the size of the Federal government and returning to the American people many of the liberties they have lost over the past eleven years.

He, like Ron Paul, has set forth a plan to end the Federal Reserve. Mr. Keller has promised to lead the effort to return to a sovereign currency, increase autonomy of States and local towns and cities, bring home all troops not in essential roles overseas, and get the Federal government out of the private lives of American Citizens. His positions on issues have consistently been in favor of solutions that minimize government involvement and help people from all sides of an issue. "I believe in innovation and the great potential in people. There's almost nothing we can't accomplish if we just focus on getting it done," says Keller.

Mr. Keller also stands out as the only candidate who openly supports such research and development efforts as The Venus Project, which aims to further shrink the role of government and increase peoples' freedoms. Also, he supports testing new economic models such as resource-based economies and open source economies. and various forms of local currencies and exchange systems.

He will face off against Gary Johnson, Bill Still, Roger Gary, R. J. Harris, James Ogle, Carl Person, Joy Waymire, and Lee Wrights at the Libertarian National Convention to be held in May in Las Vegas. The Libertarian Party expects to have ballot access in all 50 states for their chosen nominee.

Scott Keller for President 2012
Libertarian Candidate
"Make It Change!"

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